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Wilkinson Park Playground Replacement 🛝

Email from City of Reno Help shape the future of this park! View as Webpage Seleccione “View as Webpage” para opción de traducción a español December 17, 2024 Reno Connect | Parks & Recreation Connecting Citizens to our Community Have Your Say on Wilkinson Park’s New Playground! ¡Denos su opinión sobre el nuevo parque de recreo infantil de Wilkinson Park! The City of Reno invites you to share your thoughts on the upcoming playground replacement at Wilkinson Park. Your feedback will help shape the design and features of this community space. Take the Survey: The survey is open now through December 22, 2024, and only takes a few minutes to complete. It's available in both English and Spanish. The Wilkinson Park playground is scheduled for replacement in 2025, and the Parks and Recreation Department wants to ensure it meets our community's needs. “We are happy to plan for playground upgrades at Wilkinson Park come 2025,” said Nathan Ullyot, Director of Parks and Recreation for the City of Reno. “Our department is committed to more inclusive playground features, and we want to hear from residents on the desired elements.” Questions? Contact Karina Mercier at 775-560-7758 or email her at Your voice matters—help us create a playground our entire community can enjoy! Take the Survey! Important Links Visit Reno.Gov Parks and Recreation Sierra Kids Before & After School Program Youth Summer Camps Upcoming Events Jobs Stay Connected     Reno.Gov | 775-334-INFO (4636) | RenoDirect@Reno.Gov City of Reno | 1 E. First Street | Reno, NV 89501 US Unsubscribe | Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice
  • [Registrant]City of Reno
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]Reno, Nevada
  • Posted : 2024/12/17
  • Published : 2024/12/17
  • Changed : 2024/12/17
  • Total View : 65 persons
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